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Some More Tips to Keep You and Those You Love Safe From Scammers + Hackers

Dealing with scammers were a part of my life this week. Thankfully, everything is fine and no money was lost. I thought I would share the tips I used to make sure no money was lost with you all. Know that scammers are creative and smart, they will use these skills to make scams seem legitimate. Scammers are betting you and those you love will be scared enough to give them money. The tips below are to help you and your loved ones not be victims of a scam.

  1. There are people posing as FBI agents on social media and on phone messages. Usually, they will contact you through direct or private messages on social media. You will get a voicemail on your phone unless you pick up if you get a call. I suggest not picking up calls from unknown numbers. My recommendation for social media is to not answer messages that make you uncomfortable in ANY way. If you get a threatening message or a message asking/demanding money or personal information on social media: erase the message/don’t accept the message request if you haven’t. Also I recommend blocking the account as well for added peace of mind. “The FBI will not contact you this way. They do not send unsolicited messages.” (
  2. An e-mail from PayPal that wasn’t from PayPal is the second scam I want to give y’all tips for avoiding. The e-mail said a payment of over $500 had been paid. Checking the e-mail I saw there was a number to call if you didn’t make the purchase. Realizing that was how the scammers get your bank account, no call was made. Not calling the number and checking your bank account to make sure no money has been removed are excellent ways to stay safe in that situation. In addition, keeping the e-mail is helpful in case money actually is stolen even doing the previous tips. Why? If money was removed, the e-mail was proof of what had happened for local law enforcement.

I hope these tips are helpful for you someone you love. Keeping yourselves safe from scammers is a form of self care as far as I’m concerned.

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