Category: Self-care

A Reminder how Important it is to Take Care of Yourself

Author’s note: I first want to give you all an explanation for the lack of blog posts recently. If you have been following this block for a while you know my immediate family and I have been going through significantly challenging times regularly since 2022. The lack of blog posts recently has to do with

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Learning How to be Healthy and Well Part 8

My family loves to eat and genetics means I am predisposed to have a weight problem. Add to that sitting often due to my CP and challenge is a major understatement. I have an extra challenge in addition to those I just mentioned. What is it? When I went for my consultation for my first

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How to Cultivate the Best Possible Environment For Being Creative

Creativity is essential for every writer, blogger, content creator, musical artist, or artist. I want to share with you all how I keep my creativity front and center. Writing two blog posts a week and creating seven videos a week for this blog’s Instagram requires my creativity is constantly flowing. To be honest, when I

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Important Lessons I’m Learning on the Way to be my Best Self

I am trained as a political scientist and love studying how governmental institutions are supposed to work versus how those institutions do. Another aspect of studying politics that I am passionate about and find endlessly fascinating is how the people in governmental institutions work with each other within an institution and with those in other

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Awareness of Technology Usage is Important for Full, Beautiful, Life

Last year, changed me in a irrevocable ways. One of the most obvious is the change in my relationship with technology. I was not proud or happy with the way I was using technology most of last year. Asking myself what changes I needed to make so my relationship with technology was something I was

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The Journey to be our Best Comes With Important Lessons

Yesterday was one of the toughest days I have had in a while. That is saying something. Everything, seemingly, that could go wrong went wrong. Yesterday had every single, typical, response from me: frustration, tears, feeling like I was not enough/doing enough, angry at myself for feeling like any of what happened yesterday was my

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Why Letting Go is Important For Living An Intentional Life

The more I start to create a life built around intention I realize all the layers that make up an intentional life. The one I want to focus on today is letting go. Letting go can have a myriad of meanings, but I am referring to today is An internal one. I am focusing on

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