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A Reminder of How to Live Life Well

The CP flareup I shared about last week turned out to more difficult than I thought. It started the day after Thanksgiving and lasted until three days ago. Movement was more than a little difficult. I was in lots of pain. Confusion and frustration took over my mindset. I don’t like feeling like I was physically or mentally. I didn’t cry or reach out to anyone who loves me. Being honest didn’t cross my mind. Sure, my parents could tell I wasn’t myself anytime they were around me, but even they didn’t know exactly how bad it was.

Thinking I must deal with my problems and challenges alone is my default. I don’t want to burden anybody. After a few days, mama knew it was worse than I was letting on. She started with the usual questions. First, she told me to check my temperature. A fever would explain the flareup. I had no fever. The rest of her questions I answered no as well. No kidney infection symptoms or congestion.

Other than my CP flare up I felt just fine physically. Mama asked about going to see our doctor. And tell him what I asked. My appetite is off because of the pain of my flareup nothing else. She and I agreed something would show up in a few days or I’d feel better. Thankfully it’s the latter. However, it did get me thinking about how we’re meant to do life with others. God means for us to do life in community. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” (

Remembering two of my favorite verses made me reach out to those I choose to call family and be honest. Nobody was angry or thought I was a burden. It was me overthinking as usual. However, they reminded me of something else important as well. It is important for all of us in our incredibly busy lives to take stock of how we’re feeling every once in a while and make taking care of ourselves again a priority again for our health and wellness. This blog post is a reminder to all of us, me included, that a life well lived is one where we let our people show up for us and vice versa and we show up for ourselves by making our self-care, health and wellness a priority.

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