Why the Way I go About Creating Content, Now, Works Well

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Author’s Note: My text size editor is not where it normally is. I have spent half an hour trying to find it in the new word press update. When I do I’ll fix the text size and add a drop cap as is usual in all my posts. I wanted to get this posted even without those two details being done, however. Happy Reading and thank you all for doing so!

When I first started blogging in 2019 it is fair to say I really had no idea what I was doing. I knew I wanted to tell my story and help people. That is all that I knew and how to do that well? No clue. In 2020 when we were all at home because of the pandemic I started researching how to blog better. My research helped me find bloggers who make a good life for themselves off blogging and content creation. Even better? They were willing to help other bloggers and content creators do the same thing most of the time for free.

I have written about some of what I have learned so far before. Now I want to talk about what works for me. The more free classes I took from established bloggers: the more I heard about contact calendars. For those who do not know a content calendar helps you organize your schedule. It is a calendar but instead of appointments or meanings you put specific content ideas on the calendar. As someone super organized the content calendar seemed like a great idea.

What I discovered when I created one is that it is not such a great idea for me. Why? I would forget to update the calendar and I stressed myself out by forgetting. Stress is not good for my condition, so I knew a different approach was important.  Instead of a content calendar I have a Word document titled blog post idea. Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like. It is a running list of blog post ideas I keep updating as I go along. My logical brain loves lists so I can remember to update it. I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. I just want to share what works for me and hope that my fellow bloggers and content creators get value out of my thoughts.

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