Category: Aunt Judy

Why No Social Media or Cell Phone Usage was Important to my Development

Erin Napier from HGTV’s Hometown inspired this post. Thanks Erin! On Instagram before the new year, she said she, her husband Ben, and their friends all agreed their children were not getting cell phones or using social media while they were growing up. Erin’s post made me think about how different I would be as

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Tips for a Healthier Relationship with Social Media and Cell Phones for you and Those You Love

After Thanksgiving 2018 mama, dad, and I went to Tennessee to see family. It was more than just a visit for the holiday season, however.  My mama’s oldest sister (my aunt) had just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s like her mama (granny) before her. Aunt Judy had mama tell me of her diagnosis and her move

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How Words Allow Me to Make Thriving My Reality

As an academic and a type A personality, correct terminology matter to me greatly. I have trouble not correcting people when they use the wrong term to refer to something. I am also my mama’s daughter and words and terminology matter to her as well. In fact, she still corrects me when I pronounce a

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